
05 May, 2009

Florida Time Warp

Despite the fact that there has been nothing about it in the news, I am convinced the Tampa Bay area is experiencing some odd sort of time anomaly. The closer it gets to 6 July the slower time goes. Oh you may be thinking it is just that I am impatient for the Nefesh B'Nefesh flight home, but it seems like everyone around me is complaining that time is moving ever so slowly! Of course there is the fact that everyone around me is either a 12 year old who has no concept of time, or a middle school teacher, who is sick of having to explain the same classroom procedures midway through fourth quarter, that we did not mind explaining in the middle of August 2008 during the first week of school.

Pushing those explanations aside, because I choose to ignore them, I am left with no alternative but to conclude that I am "not in Kansas anymore." (And I am really sure about that, since I have never been in Kansas, and could never be in Kansas because it is landlocked, and being in a landlocked area gives me claustrophobia.) So....we are in a timewarp. And what is really weird is that Jerusalem is in the same timewarp. If they were not, the Jewish Agency would have been able to get my Aliyah approval done long before now.

Hopefully sometime soon, God will decide to jiggle the universe and put everything in alignment so that time is once again passing at a normal rate, and I will get my Aliyah approval so that I can then start complaining that time is going too fast and I don't know how I will ever get all the arrangements made before my flight...yada yada yada.

I have been online lots lately and have 'met' others who are planning Aliyah for this year. Meeting people online is a new thing for me because I am old - 53 to be exact. Anyway, now that I have gotten used to this 'meeting online' thing I have found I am eager to 'meet' more future olim. I am especially interested in meeting people who plan to settle in the Haifa area. I am planning to locate in one of the Krayot - probably Motzkin or Haim.


1 comment:

  1. I am somehow immune to the time fact it is just the opposite. In my time warp time has been flying by much too quickly! we should switch.
